SOMOS, a community-driven program that engages middle and high school youth and their caregivers in learning how to better communicate with each other so that as more difficult conversations, such as sexual health, consent, and boundaries, need to take place they will be equipped to have those conversations.
Vuela’s SOMOS program is community focused and structured to act on direct input/feedback from the Latina population via focus groups comprised of participants from the wide range of individuals including community members and health service professionals. Vuela connects people to.
The ultimate goal of SOMOS is to help Latinas embrace happiness, health, power, and bodily autonomy.
Vuela will be offering SOMOS in Pueblo and Adams County initially; however, our goal is to expand this program to other communities in the near future.
Mental health issues affect all people, regardless of race, religion, socio-economic status etc. Through education and support, we will overcome – in no particular order – cultural, legal, accessibility, language, shame, fear issues among the Latino communities regarding mental health well-being.
I took the Substance Abuse course because I like to learn new things, and I want to know about drugs and the risk young people have when using them.
Before taking the course, I didn’t know what can happen when you use marijuana or drink alcohol, and now I know that there are many types of drugs and how they affect the brain.
I recommend that people take the Substance Abuse course because you learn things that one thinks are very insignificant, and in reality, we don’t know everything that goes on around our children.
Some things I learned in the Substance Abuse course are:
- Know how to identify what kind of drugs young people consume
- How drug use damages the brain
- What is the consumption of fentanyl is very dangerous